Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
store ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url, $assetid, $data, $expiry) | |
read ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url, $assetid) | |
clearAll () | |
canClearByAssetid () | |
clear ($assetids) | |
cleanExpiredEntries () | |
getFilePaths ($assetids) | |
getAllFilePaths ($option='') | |
_getCache ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url) | |
_deleteCache ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url) | |
_updateCache ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url, $expiry, $file_path='', $updated_content='') | |
_getAssetHash ($assetid=0) | |
clearCachedAssetsByUrl ($url) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
store ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url, $assetid, $data, $expiry) | |
read ($cache_key, $perm_key, $url, $assetid) | |
clearAll () | |
canClearByAssetid () | |
clear ($assetids) | |
cleanExpiredEntries () | |
getFilePaths ($assetids) | |
getAllFilePaths ($option='') | |
clearCachedAssetsByUrl ($url) | |
![]() | |
Asset ($assetid=0) | |
create (Array &$link) | |
load ($assetid) | |
_loadDataPaths () | |
reload () | |
canDelete () | |
delete ($release_lock=TRUE, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
useSystemVersion () | |
loadSystemVersion () | |
saveSystemVersion () | |
clearSystemVersion () | |
revertToSystemVersion () | |
revertNoticeLinksToSystemVersion () | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
type () | |
getTypeAncestors ($include_asset=TRUE) | |
incrementVersion ($number='micro', $update_parents=TRUE) | |
getLanguages () | |
setLanguages (Array $languages) | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
setForceSecure ($force_secure) | |
remapAssetids (Array $map) | |
morph ($new_type_code) | |
_morphCleanup ($new_type_code) | |
onRequestKeywords (Asset $broadcaster, Array $vars=Array()) | |
canClone () | |
cloneComponents (Asset $clone, Array $components, $override=FALSE) | |
cloneComponentsAdditional (Asset $clone, Array $components) | |
cloneLinks (Asset $clone) | |
getStatus () | |
getAvailableStatii () | |
getStatusDescription () | |
processStatusChange ($new_status, $update_parents=TRUE, $run_updated=TRUE) | |
setDate ($date_type, $time=NULL, $userid=NULL) | |
lockTypes () | |
canForceablyAcquireLock ($lock_type) | |
getEditingLocks ($keywords) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
createLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $value='', $sort_order=NULL, $dependant='0', $exclusive='0', $moving=FALSE, $locked=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
canCreateLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $exclusive) | |
canMoveLink (Asset $minor, Asset $old_major, $link_type) | |
describeLink ($linkid) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
canDeleteLink ($linkid) | |
deleteLink ($linkid, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
linksUpdated () | |
canCloneLink () | |
saveAttributes ($dont_run_updated=FALSE, $log_message=TRUE) | |
setAttrValue ($name, $value) | |
attr ($name) | |
& | attrByRef ($name) |
getAttribute ($name, $mute_errors=FALSE) | |
getAssetKeywords ($descriptions=FALSE) | |
getAvailableKeywords () | |
getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
getAssetWebPathKeywordReplacement () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords=Array(), $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords ($keywords=Array()) | |
getContent () | |
setContent () | |
getEffectiveLastUpdatedTime ($assetids) | |
readAccess (Array $assetids=Array()) | |
writeAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
adminAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array()) | |
backendAccess () | |
liveEditAccess ($lock_type) | |
canliveEdit ($lock_type) | |
effectiveUnrestricted () | |
checkAccess ($perm, $lock_type, Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
accessEffective () | |
permissionsUpdated () | |
printFrontend () | |
printFrontendAsset (Asset $asset, $design=NULL) | |
getValidProtocols () | |
printHead () | |
printBody () | |
getCurrentPaintLayoutName () | |
getCurrentDesignName () | |
printBodyWithPaintLayout ($layout_id='') | |
initLimbo () | |
printLimbo () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
getPrefix () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
getEI () | |
getEditFns () | |
getBackendHref ($screen='', $backend_page=TRUE) | |
getURL ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE, $base_contextid=NULL) | |
getURLs () | |
getHref ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE) | |
getWebDataPath () | |
getWebPaths () | |
saveWebPaths ($paths, $auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
getLookups ($field='') | |
getDesignLookups () | |
getLookupValues ($inherited=NULL, $prefix='', $like_search=TRUE, $ignore_override=FALSE) | |
deleteLookupValue ($layout_name, $layout_value) | |
setPaintLayouts ($layouts) | |
updateLookups ($auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
setLookupValues (Array $values) | |
getAssetStatusDescriptionKeywordReplacement () | |
getAssetStatusColourKeywordReplacement () | |
replaceKeywordsInString ($string) | |
fastTrack ($tasks) | |
unFastTrack ($tasks) | |
shouldFastTrack ($task, $assetid=NULL) | |
getFaskTrackedTaskAssetids ($task) | |
getDependantParentsURL () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | isAvailable () |
![]() | |
$id = 0 | |
$version = '' | |
$name = '' | |
$short_name = '' | |
$status | |
$languages = '' | |
$charset = '' | |
$force_secure = '0' | |
$created | |
$created_userid | |
$updated | |
$updated_userid | |
$published | |
$published_userid | |
$status_changed | |
$status_changed_userid | |
$_is_cacheable = FALSE | |
$vars = Array() | |
$_available_keywords = Array() | |
$data_path_suffix = '' | |
$data_path = '' | |
$data_path_public = '' | |
$_ser_attrs = FALSE | |
![]() | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_abortCreate ($trigger_level_changed=FALSE, $linkid=0) | |
_loadVars () | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE, $contextid=NULL) | |
_getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
_checkPermissionAccess ($perm, $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
makeAndSaveInitialWebPath ($path, $parent_link=NULL) | |
Definition at line 39 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
__construct | ( | $assetid = 0 | ) |
string | $assetid | the asset id to be loaded |
Definition at line 49 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
_deleteCache | ( | $cache_key, | |
$perm_key, | |||
$url | |||
) |
Deletes an expired entry from the cache table
string | $cache_key | the cache key for this entry |
string | $perm_key | the permission key for this entry |
string | $url | the url identifier |
Definition at line 408 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
_getAssetHash | ( | $assetid = 0 | ) |
Return the hash of and asset between 0 and num_cache_dirs
string | $assetid | the assetid to create the hash from |
Definition at line 486 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
_getCache | ( | $cache_key, | |
$perm_key, | |||
$url | |||
) |
Returns the expiry time and file path of a cache entry
string | $cache_key | the cache key for this entry |
string | $perm_key | the permission key for this entry |
string | $url | the url identifier |
Definition at line 375 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
_updateCache | ( | $cache_key, | |
$perm_key, | |||
$url, | |||
$expiry, | |||
$file_path = '' , |
$updated_content = '' |
) |
Extends the expiry time (and updates the cache file)
string | $cache_key | the cache key for this entry |
string | $perm_key | the permission key for this entry |
string | $url | the url identifier |
string | $expiry_sql | the updated expiry time |
string | $file_path | the file path to the cached content |
array | $updated_content | the updated content |
Definition at line 443 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
canClearByAssetid | ( | ) |
Returns true if this storage method can clear cache for specific assetids.
Definition at line 216 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
cleanExpiredEntries | ( | ) |
Cleans up expired entries.
Delete any cache files on the filesystem that have expired, then remove the cache entries from the table if we managed to clear all cache files. We abort if a file can't be deleted so all the expired DB entries will remain until the next successful run.
For this to work, the Cron run script needs to run as the Apache user. It normally creates cache bucket directories with write access only to itself, and this write access to the directory is required to delete files.
Definition at line 272 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
clear | ( | $assetids | ) |
Removes all cache entries related to this assetid
array | $assetids | id of the the asset that owns the cache file |
Definition at line 231 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
clearAll | ( | ) |
clearCachedAssetsByUrl | ( | $url | ) |
Deletes caches of assets that were cached when a certain URL was requested
This includes caches of nested content that were generated by reaching the passed URL, not just the top-level asset.
For Default cache storage, we search for the passed URL in the sq_cache table, delete the cache files on disc, then remove the DB entries. An exception is thrown if the DB query fails.
string | $url | The url to delete cache entries for |
Definition at line 525 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
getAllFilePaths | ( | $option = '' | ) |
Returns an array of all file paths for clear cache HIPO job
string | $option | the option of the result |
Definition at line 343 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
getFilePaths | ( | $assetids | ) |
Returns an array of file paths for clear cache HIPO job
array | $assetids | id of the the asset that owns the cache file |
Definition at line 314 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
read | ( | $cache_key, | |
$perm_key, | |||
$url, | |||
$assetid | |||
) |
Loads the contents from a cache file for the specified asset and unique key
returns FALSE if no cache version exist
string | $cache_key | the cache key for this entry |
string | $perm_key | the permissions key for this entry |
string | $url | the url for this entry |
integer | $assetid | the asset id for this entry |
Definition at line 156 of file cache_storage_default.inc.
store | ( | $cache_key, | |
$perm_key, | |||
$url, | |||
$assetid, | |||
$data, | |||
$expiry | |||
) |
Saves the specified contents to the cache, which will be identified by the specfied asset and key/url
If cache entry already exists, it will be overwritten with the new contents and expiry time
string | $cache_key | the cache key for this entry |
string | $perm_key | the permissions key for this entry |
string | $url | the url for this entry |
integer | $assetid | the asset id for this entry |
string | $data | the cache contents |
integer | $expiry | the expiry time in seconds |
Definition at line 73 of file cache_storage_default.inc.