Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
HIPO_Job_Create_Links ($code_name='') | |
getCodeName () | |
getHipoName () | |
getInitialStepData () | |
prepare () | |
initialise ($source_code_name=NULL) | |
paintConfirmation (&$step_data, &$o, $prefix) | |
_paintMoveToTrashConfirmation (&$o, $prefix) | |
_paintAffectedAssetsWarning (&$o, $title, $warning_msg) | |
_paintSafeTrashStatusWarning (&$o) | |
_paintSafeTrashChildrenWarning (&$o) | |
_paintMarkForDeletionList (&$o, $prefix) | |
_paintRemapAssetChooser (&$o, $prefix) | |
_paintRemapURLChooser (&$o, $prefix) | |
processConfirmation (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
processCreateLinks (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
paintInterface (&$step_data, &$o, $prefix) | |
processInterface (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
_canSkipCascadeSteps ($assetid, $parentid) | |
updateLookups (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
cascadePermissions (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
cascadeMetadata (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
cascadeWorkflow (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
cascadeTags (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
cascadeRoles (&$job_type, &$running_vars, &$options) | |
paintRefresh (&$step_data, &$o, $prefix) | |
processRefresh (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
freestyle () | |
![]() | |
HIPO_Job ($code_name='') | |
getCodeName () | |
getHipoName () | |
getInitialStepData () | |
complete () | |
percentDone () | |
& | getRunningVars () |
setRunningVars (&$vars) | |
setOption ($name, $value) | |
getOption ($name) | |
setHipoVar ($name, $value) | |
getHipoVar ($name) | |
_addError ($error, $warning=FALSE) | |
getErrors () | |
prepare () | |
initialise ($source_code_name=NULL) | |
getThreshold () | |
getThresholdPercentageRequired () | |
freestyle () | |
load ($code_name) | |
save ($ignore_running_mode=FALSE) | |
_updateProgress () | |
_renewLastUpdated ($new_time=NULL) | |
& | _getSubJob () |
getInitialiseMode () | |
setRunningMode ($mode, $server_taskid='') | |
getRunningMode () | |
autoStep () | |
getNextStep () | |
skipStep ($stepid=0) | |
paint (&$o, $nested=FALSE) | |
process () | |
processWeb (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
processServer (&$step_data, $prefix) | |
abort ($abort_source=TRUE, $abort_dependant=TRUE) | |
jobAborted () | |
_paintErrorReport () | |
paintStepDefault (&$step_data, &$o, $prefix) | |
_errorHandler ($err_no, $err_msg, $err_file, $err_line) | |
getDependantHipoJob () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | paintConfig (&$o, $class, $write_access) |
static | getConfigVars () |
static | paintProgressBar ($percent_done, $message='', $label_class='sq-hipo-progress-bar-label', $percent_class='sq-hipo-progress-bar-percent', $bar_main_class='sq-hipo-progress-bar-main', $bar_done_class='sq-hipo-progress-bar-done') |
![]() | |
$code_name = '' | |
$source_code_name = '' | |
$userid = 0 | |
$last_updated = 0 | |
$hipo_name = '' | |
$is_prepared = FALSE | |
$uses_trans = TRUE | |
$_hipo_vars | |
$_options | |
$_running_vars = Array() | |
$_current_mode = 'web' | |
$_steps = Array() | |
Definition at line 43 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_canSkipCascadeSteps | ( | $assetid, | |
$parentid | |||
) |
Returns true if current and parent asset's settings are equal checked settings are: permissions, workflow sch, metadata sch, tag links
string | $assetid | Id of the asset that is being moved |
string | $parentid | Id of the new parent asset |
Definition at line 1375 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintAffectedAssetsWarning | ( | & | $o, |
$title, | |||
$warning_msg | |||
) |
Warn the user of assets whose trashing will affect other assets
If Safe-Trash is enabled this indicates that assets cannot be trashed otherwise it's just a notification
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
string | $title | Title for the list |
string | $warning_msg | Message to be printed at the top of the list |
Definition at line 589 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintMarkForDeletionList | ( | & | $o, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Paint the interface for marking assets for future trashing
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
string | $prefix | Prefix for form elements |
Definition at line 719 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintMoveToTrashConfirmation | ( | & | $o, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Paint the interface for confirming the trashing of asset(s)
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
string | $prefix | Prefix for form elements |
Definition at line 487 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintRemapAssetChooser | ( | & | $o, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Paint the interface for choosing an asset to remap URLs of a soon-to-be-trashed asset to
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
string | $prefix | Prefix for form elements |
Definition at line 772 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintRemapURLChooser | ( | & | $o, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Paint the interface for choosing which of the selected asset's URLs should be used for remapping
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
string | $prefix | Prefix for form elements |
Definition at line 799 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintSafeTrashChildrenWarning | ( | & | $o | ) |
Warn the user of assets that can't be trashed because their children violate Safe-Trash rules
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
Definition at line 668 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
_paintSafeTrashStatusWarning | ( | & | $o | ) |
Warn user of assets that can't be trashed because their status violates Safe-Trash rules
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
Definition at line 633 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
cascadeMetadata | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
Cascade metadata (if not skipped)
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1514 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
cascadePermissions | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
Cascade permissions (if not skipped)
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1479 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
cascadeRoles | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
Cascade tags (if not skipped)
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1608 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
cascadeTags | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
Cascade tags (if not skipped)
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1577 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
cascadeWorkflow | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
Cascade workflow (if not skipped)
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1546 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
freestyle | ( | ) |
Performs the duties of this hipo, without showing any output
Definition at line 1688 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
getCodeName | ( | ) |
Returns a unique codename the HIPO can use to ensure it is not being run twice
Definition at line 65 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
getHipoName | ( | ) |
Returns the (localised) HIPO name
Definition at line 78 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
getInitialStepData | ( | ) |
Returns the steps in this hipo, possibly with localised step names and messages
Definition at line 92 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
HIPO_Job_Create_Links | ( | $code_name = '' | ) |
string | $code_name | a unique codename the HIPO |
Definition at line 52 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
initialise | ( | $source_code_name = NULL | ) |
Set up vars and database information that the HIPO will need to run
Returns the code_name for the new job
string | $source_code_name | the code name of another job that wants to use this job |
Definition at line 284 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
paintConfirmation | ( | & | $step_data, |
& | $o, | ||
$prefix | |||
) |
Paints a confirmation screen for creating the link
This allows the user to back out if they want to, as well as be presented with any information/warnings regarding the new link (eg. move to trash)
array | &$step_data | a reference to the array of information about the current step |
object | &$o | the backend outputter class |
string | $prefix | prefix for form vars |
Definition at line 380 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
paintInterface | ( | & | $step_data, |
& | $o, | ||
$prefix | |||
) |
Paint the interface for accepting user input on what to cascade (permissions/metadata/workflow)
array | &$step_data | a reference to the array of information about the current step |
object | &$o | the backend outputter class |
string | $prefix | prefix for form vars |
Definition at line 1230 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
paintRefresh | ( | & | $step_data, |
& | $o, | ||
$prefix | |||
) |
Refreshes the asset map to reflect the new link changes we made
array | &$step_data | a reference to the array of information about the current step |
object | &$o | the backend outputter class |
string | $prefix | prefix for form vars |
Definition at line 1634 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
prepare | ( | ) |
Prepares and sets up the running vars of this hipo. This is run before initialise(), because initialise() may not be run at all if this Job can be freestyle()'d
Definition at line 240 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
processConfirmation | ( | & | $step_data, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Process confirmation screen, setting up remaps and "mark for Safe-Trash" assets
array | &$step_data | the step data for this job |
string | $prefix | prefix to be used with this job |
Definition at line 823 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
processCreateLinks | ( | & | $step_data, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Create Links
array | &$step_data | Step Data |
string | $prefix | prefix |
Definition at line 910 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
processInterface | ( | & | $step_data, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Process the user's selections to cascade whatever, and skip those steps that they don't want to run
array | &$step_data | the step data for this job |
string | $prefix | prefix to be used with this job |
Definition at line 1324 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
processRefresh | ( | & | $step_data, |
$prefix | |||
) |
Does nothing
array | &$step_data | the step data for this job |
string | $prefix | prefix to be used with this job |
Definition at line 1668 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.
updateLookups | ( | & | $job_type, |
& | $running_vars, | ||
& | $options | ||
) |
This will run the Update Lookups before retrieving user input about cascading permissions etc.
Run as Step 1 (before cascading) because this step is critical. We dont want them to bail out before doing this.
string | &$job_type | job type |
array | &$running_vars | running vars |
array | &$options | options |
Definition at line 1447 of file hipo_job_create_links.inc.