Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
printBody () | |
initLimbo () | |
getContent () | |
lockTypes () | |
getEditingLocks (Array $keywords) | |
getBodycopy () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords, $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords (Array $keywords) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
printBody () | |
![]() | |
Asset ($assetid=0) | |
create (Array &$link) | |
load ($assetid) | |
_loadDataPaths () | |
reload () | |
canDelete () | |
delete ($release_lock=TRUE, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
useSystemVersion () | |
loadSystemVersion () | |
saveSystemVersion () | |
clearSystemVersion () | |
revertToSystemVersion () | |
revertNoticeLinksToSystemVersion () | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
type () | |
getTypeAncestors ($include_asset=TRUE) | |
incrementVersion ($number='micro', $update_parents=TRUE) | |
getLanguages () | |
setLanguages (Array $languages) | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
setForceSecure ($force_secure) | |
remapAssetids (Array $map) | |
morph ($new_type_code) | |
_morphCleanup ($new_type_code) | |
onRequestKeywords (Asset $broadcaster, Array $vars=Array()) | |
canClone () | |
cloneComponents (Asset $clone, Array $components, $override=FALSE) | |
cloneComponentsAdditional (Asset $clone, Array $components) | |
cloneLinks (Asset $clone) | |
getStatus () | |
getAvailableStatii () | |
getStatusDescription () | |
processStatusChange ($new_status, $update_parents=TRUE, $run_updated=TRUE) | |
setDate ($date_type, $time=NULL, $userid=NULL) | |
lockTypes () | |
canForceablyAcquireLock ($lock_type) | |
getEditingLocks ($keywords) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
createLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $value='', $sort_order=NULL, $dependant='0', $exclusive='0', $moving=FALSE, $locked=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
canCreateLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $exclusive) | |
canMoveLink (Asset $minor, Asset $old_major, $link_type) | |
describeLink ($linkid) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
canDeleteLink ($linkid) | |
deleteLink ($linkid, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
linksUpdated () | |
canCloneLink () | |
saveAttributes ($dont_run_updated=FALSE, $log_message=TRUE) | |
setAttrValue ($name, $value) | |
attr ($name) | |
& | attrByRef ($name) |
getAttribute ($name, $mute_errors=FALSE) | |
getAssetKeywords ($descriptions=FALSE) | |
getAvailableKeywords () | |
getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
getAssetWebPathKeywordReplacement () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords=Array(), $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords ($keywords=Array()) | |
getContent () | |
setContent () | |
getEffectiveLastUpdatedTime ($assetids) | |
readAccess (Array $assetids=Array()) | |
writeAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
adminAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array()) | |
backendAccess () | |
liveEditAccess ($lock_type) | |
canliveEdit ($lock_type) | |
effectiveUnrestricted () | |
checkAccess ($perm, $lock_type, Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
accessEffective () | |
permissionsUpdated () | |
printFrontend () | |
printFrontendAsset (Asset $asset, $design=NULL) | |
getValidProtocols () | |
printHead () | |
printBody () | |
getCurrentPaintLayoutName () | |
getCurrentDesignName () | |
printBodyWithPaintLayout ($layout_id='') | |
initLimbo () | |
printLimbo () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
getPrefix () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
getEI () | |
getEditFns () | |
getBackendHref ($screen='', $backend_page=TRUE) | |
getURL ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE, $base_contextid=NULL) | |
getURLs () | |
getHref ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE) | |
getWebDataPath () | |
getWebPaths () | |
saveWebPaths ($paths, $auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
getLookups ($field='') | |
getDesignLookups () | |
getLookupValues ($inherited=NULL, $prefix='', $like_search=TRUE, $ignore_override=FALSE) | |
deleteLookupValue ($layout_name, $layout_value) | |
setPaintLayouts ($layouts) | |
updateLookups ($auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
setLookupValues (Array $values) | |
getAssetStatusDescriptionKeywordReplacement () | |
getAssetStatusColourKeywordReplacement () | |
replaceKeywordsInString ($string) | |
fastTrack ($tasks) | |
unFastTrack ($tasks) | |
shouldFastTrack ($task, $assetid=NULL) | |
getFaskTrackedTaskAssetids ($task) | |
getDependantParentsURL () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link, $args=Array()) | |
![]() | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE) | |
![]() | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_abortCreate ($trigger_level_changed=FALSE, $linkid=0) | |
_loadVars () | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE, $contextid=NULL) | |
_getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
_checkPermissionAccess ($perm, $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
makeAndSaveInitialWebPath ($path, $parent_link=NULL) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$id = 0 | |
$version = '' | |
$name = '' | |
$short_name = '' | |
$status | |
$languages = '' | |
$charset = '' | |
$force_secure = '0' | |
$created | |
$created_userid | |
$updated | |
$updated_userid | |
$published | |
$published_userid | |
$status_changed | |
$status_changed_userid | |
$_is_cacheable = FALSE | |
$vars = Array() | |
$_available_keywords = Array() | |
$data_path_suffix = '' | |
$data_path = '' | |
$data_path_public = '' | |
$_ser_attrs = FALSE | |
Definition at line 32 of file page_standard.inc.
__construct | ( | $assetid = 0 | ) |
int | $assetid | the asset id to be loaded |
Definition at line 42 of file page_standard.inc.
protected |
Perform any additional processing required during the creation of this asset
Standard pages create a bodycopy asset when they are created
array | &$link | information used to create the initial link |
Definition at line 59 of file page_standard.inc.
_getAllowedLinks | ( | ) |
Returns an array of all the permitted link type, the type asset and the cardinality
Definition at line 141 of file page_standard.inc.
getBodycopy | ( | ) |
Return the bodycopy linked to this page
Definition at line 348 of file page_standard.inc.
getContent | ( | ) |
Returns the raw content of this asset
Definition at line 296 of file page_standard.inc.
getCustomKeywordReplacements | ( | $keywords, | |
$invoke_backend = FALSE |
) |
Get replacements for keywords that are specific to this asset
array | $keywords | the keywords to get replacements for |
Definition at line 368 of file page_standard.inc.
getEditingLocks | ( | Array | $keywords | ) |
Return any locks that are needed for editing, based on a set of custom keywords
array | $keywords | the keywords to govern what locks are required |
Definition at line 330 of file page_standard.inc.
initLimbo | ( | ) |
Initialise the limbo (simple-edit) interface by painting to the limbo outputter
Standard page puts its bodycopy up for editing instead of itself
Definition at line 250 of file page_standard.inc.
isDeletableLink | ( | $linkid | ) |
Returns TRUE if we can delete the passed link, or a string with the error msg
int | $linkid | the link id of the link to remove |
Definition at line 120 of file page_standard.inc.
lockTypes | ( | ) |
Returns a list of lock types available for this asset type
Definition at line 313 of file page_standard.inc.
paintBackend | ( | Backend_Outputter | $o | ) |
Prints out the backend interface for the asset
Backend_Outputter | $o | Backend_Outputter |
Definition at line 164 of file page_standard.inc.
prepareLink | ( | Asset | $asset, |
$side_of_link, | |||
& | $link_type, | ||
& | $value, | ||
& | $sort_order, | ||
& | $dependant, | ||
& | $exclusive | ||
) |
Prepares for linking by checking that the link values are valid for this link
This function will be called if this asset is the major or minor party in the link, so the side_of_link flag should be checked to work out what side of the link this asset is on. The return value should indicate if any of the link fields were changed.
Asset | $asset | the major or minor asset that we are linking to |
string | $side_of_link | the side of the link we are on (major or minor) |
string | &$link_type | the type of link we are creating |
string | &$value | the value that is to be associated with the link |
string | &$sort_order | the position in the links list that this link should take, |
string | &$dependant | '0' / '1' on whether the this asset is dependant on the asset that will be linked by the new link |
string | &$exclusive | '0' / '1' on whether the this asset is linked exclusivly to the asset that will be linked by the new link |
Definition at line 99 of file page_standard.inc.
printBody | ( | ) |
Called by the design to print the body of this asset
Definition at line 200 of file page_standard.inc.
processCustomKeywords | ( | Array | $keywords | ) |
Process anything that was previously printed for a custom keyword
array | $keywords | the keywords that were originally printed |
Definition at line 416 of file page_standard.inc.