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Asset_Attribute_Duration Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Asset_Attribute_Duration:
Asset_Attribute MySource_Object

Public Member Functions

 Asset_Attribute_Duration ($attributeid=0, $value=NULL)
 setEditParams (&$node)
 getUnitValues ()
 paint ($prefix, $read_only=FALSE)
 process ($prefix)
 validateValue (&$value)
 exportContentsToXML ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Asset_Attribute
 Asset_Attribute ($attributeid=0, $value=NULL, $default_params=Array())
loadAttribute ($attributeid=0, $value=NULL, $default_params=Array())
 type ()
 paint ($prefix, $read_only=FALSE)
 paintEditParams ($prefix, $write_access=FALSE)
 processEditParams ($prefix)
 process ($prefix)
 validateValue (&$value)
 setValue (&$value)
 setEditParams (&$node)
 setEditParam ($field, $value)
 setParam ($field, $value)
 getContent ()
 getKeywordValue ($format='')
 exportToXML ()
 exportContentsToXML ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MySource_Object
 MySource_Object ()
 __sleep ()
 __wakeup ()

Data Fields

- Data Fields inherited from Asset_Attribute
 $id = 0
 $name = ''
 $uniq = FALSE
 $description = ''
 $_params = Array()
 $_default_value = NULL
 $_edit_params = Array()
 $value = NULL
 $processed = FALSE
 $is_admin = FALSE
- Data Fields inherited from MySource_Object

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file duration.inc.

Member Function Documentation

Asset_Attribute_Duration (   $attributeid = 0,
  $value = NULL 


int$attributeidthe attribute id to be loaded
mixed$valuethe current value for the element

Definition at line 55 of file duration.inc.

exportContentsToXML ( )

Returns a representation of this asset's parameters, edit parameters and value as XML

string public

Definition at line 252 of file duration.inc.

getUnitValues ( )

Returns an array of the current units and their actual values

array public

Definition at line 93 of file duration.inc.

paint (   $prefix,
  $read_only = FALSE 

Prints the interface for filling in a value

string$prefixprefix for the form element
boolean$read_onlyare we just printing the value
NULL public

Definition at line 120 of file duration.inc.

process (   $prefix)

Processes the interface for filling in a value

string$prefixprefix for the form element
NULL public

Definition at line 195 of file duration.inc.

setEditParams ( $node)

Takes an XML_Tree_Node from an edit interface XML file and creates the params array from it

object&$nodean XML_Tree_Node from an edit interface XML file
boolean public

Definition at line 75 of file duration.inc.

validateValue ( $value)

Ensure the attribute being set is an integer

mixed&$valuevalue to be validated
boolean public

Definition at line 227 of file duration.inc.

Field Documentation

Initial value:
= Array(
'days' => 86400,
'hours' => 3600,
'minutes' => 60,
'seconds' => 1,

Definition at line 40 of file duration.inc.

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