Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
lockTypes () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
& | getDesigns () |
getVarReferences () | |
setVarReferenceValues (Array $var_ref_values) | |
attr ($name) | |
getProtectedAttrs () | |
printVar ($var, Array $args) | |
printInitCode () | |
printPaintingCode () | |
printAreaCode () | |
![]() | |
Asset ($assetid=0) | |
create (Array &$link) | |
load ($assetid) | |
_loadDataPaths () | |
reload () | |
canDelete () | |
delete ($release_lock=TRUE, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
useSystemVersion () | |
loadSystemVersion () | |
saveSystemVersion () | |
clearSystemVersion () | |
revertToSystemVersion () | |
revertNoticeLinksToSystemVersion () | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
type () | |
getTypeAncestors ($include_asset=TRUE) | |
incrementVersion ($number='micro', $update_parents=TRUE) | |
getLanguages () | |
setLanguages (Array $languages) | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
setForceSecure ($force_secure) | |
remapAssetids (Array $map) | |
morph ($new_type_code) | |
_morphCleanup ($new_type_code) | |
onRequestKeywords (Asset $broadcaster, Array $vars=Array()) | |
canClone () | |
cloneComponents (Asset $clone, Array $components, $override=FALSE) | |
cloneComponentsAdditional (Asset $clone, Array $components) | |
cloneLinks (Asset $clone) | |
getStatus () | |
getAvailableStatii () | |
getStatusDescription () | |
processStatusChange ($new_status, $update_parents=TRUE, $run_updated=TRUE) | |
setDate ($date_type, $time=NULL, $userid=NULL) | |
lockTypes () | |
canForceablyAcquireLock ($lock_type) | |
getEditingLocks ($keywords) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
createLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $value='', $sort_order=NULL, $dependant='0', $exclusive='0', $moving=FALSE, $locked=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
canCreateLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $exclusive) | |
canMoveLink (Asset $minor, Asset $old_major, $link_type) | |
describeLink ($linkid) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
canDeleteLink ($linkid) | |
deleteLink ($linkid, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
linksUpdated () | |
canCloneLink () | |
saveAttributes ($dont_run_updated=FALSE, $log_message=TRUE) | |
setAttrValue ($name, $value) | |
attr ($name) | |
& | attrByRef ($name) |
getAttribute ($name, $mute_errors=FALSE) | |
getAssetKeywords ($descriptions=FALSE) | |
getAvailableKeywords () | |
getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
getAssetWebPathKeywordReplacement () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords=Array(), $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords ($keywords=Array()) | |
getContent () | |
setContent () | |
getEffectiveLastUpdatedTime ($assetids) | |
readAccess (Array $assetids=Array()) | |
writeAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
adminAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array()) | |
backendAccess () | |
liveEditAccess ($lock_type) | |
canliveEdit ($lock_type) | |
effectiveUnrestricted () | |
checkAccess ($perm, $lock_type, Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
accessEffective () | |
permissionsUpdated () | |
printFrontend () | |
printFrontendAsset (Asset $asset, $design=NULL) | |
getValidProtocols () | |
printHead () | |
printBody () | |
getCurrentPaintLayoutName () | |
getCurrentDesignName () | |
printBodyWithPaintLayout ($layout_id='') | |
initLimbo () | |
printLimbo () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
getPrefix () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
getEI () | |
getEditFns () | |
getBackendHref ($screen='', $backend_page=TRUE) | |
getURL ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE, $base_contextid=NULL) | |
getURLs () | |
getHref ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE) | |
getWebDataPath () | |
getWebPaths () | |
saveWebPaths ($paths, $auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
getLookups ($field='') | |
getDesignLookups () | |
getLookupValues ($inherited=NULL, $prefix='', $like_search=TRUE, $ignore_override=FALSE) | |
deleteLookupValue ($layout_name, $layout_value) | |
setPaintLayouts ($layouts) | |
updateLookups ($auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
setLookupValues (Array $values) | |
getAssetStatusDescriptionKeywordReplacement () | |
getAssetStatusColourKeywordReplacement () | |
replaceKeywordsInString ($string) | |
fastTrack ($tasks) | |
unFastTrack ($tasks) | |
shouldFastTrack ($task, $assetid=NULL) | |
getFaskTrackedTaskAssetids ($task) | |
getDependantParentsURL () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE) | |
_escapeVar ($value, Array $args) | |
_safeStringLiteral ($string) | |
_canBeCached () | |
_canInit () | |
_printInitCode () | |
_printPaintingCode () | |
_printContentItemCode (Array $item) | |
![]() | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_abortCreate ($trigger_level_changed=FALSE, $linkid=0) | |
_loadVars () | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE, $contextid=NULL) | |
_getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
_checkPermissionAccess ($perm, $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
makeAndSaveInitialWebPath ($path, $parent_link=NULL) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$id = 0 | |
$version = '' | |
$name = '' | |
$short_name = '' | |
$status | |
$languages = '' | |
$charset = '' | |
$force_secure = '0' | |
$created | |
$created_userid | |
$updated | |
$updated_userid | |
$published | |
$published_userid | |
$status_changed | |
$status_changed_userid | |
$_is_cacheable = FALSE | |
$vars = Array() | |
$_available_keywords = Array() | |
$data_path_suffix = '' | |
$data_path = '' | |
$data_path_public = '' | |
$_ser_attrs = FALSE | |
Definition at line 31 of file design_area.inc.
__construct | ( | $assetid = 0 | ) |
int | $assetid | the asset id to be loaded |
Definition at line 41 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Returns TRUE if this content generated by this design area's code in the design file can be cached
This function should be overriden by children if they don't want the cache=1 attribute to be accepted
Definition at line 320 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Return whether this DA has been given sufficient details to be able to print stuff
This function can be overriden by children to enforce required attributes etc
Definition at line 335 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Escapes a simple var (if requested) that is going to be printed in the PHP
string | $value | the value |
array | $args | array of any extra arguments that existed in the print command |
Definition at line 284 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Returns name of the asset
boolean | $short_name | whether or not we are after the shortname or the full name |
Definition at line 121 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Perform any pre-validation required during the creation of this asset
Design areas ensure a name has been set before they are created
array | &$link | information used to create the initial link |
Definition at line 59 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Print code that outputs a given element from this DA's contents
array | $item | An entry from our contents array |
Definition at line 498 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Print code that initialises this design area and should always be printed in place of the AREA tag
This function can be overridden by children
Definition at line 385 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Print code that actually results in HTML output to the browser for this design area
This function is called at the AREA tag if print != no, and at the point of any PRINT tags that reference this area. This function can be overridden (partially) by children
Definition at line 444 of file design_area.inc.
protected |
Safely get a PHP literal string (including the quotes) for printing to the design file
Prevents code injection
string | $string | The contents for the literal string |
Definition at line 305 of file design_area.inc.
_updated | ( | $update_parents = TRUE | ) |
Set the last updated info for this asset
Call this function when the asset has been changed in some way so we can indicated in the asset table when the asset was last changed and who by. This function will also increment the micro version number for the asset.
boolean | $update_parents | should we go through an update all our dependant parents as well ? NOTE: this is passed to incrementVersion to let it know that the parents should have their versions updated as well. |
Definition at line 88 of file design_area.inc.
attr | ( | $name | ) |
Easy way to get the value of an attribute
string | $name | Name of attribute to retrieve |
Definition at line 229 of file design_area.inc.
& getDesigns | ( | ) |
Returns all the designs that this design area is used in
Definition at line 166 of file design_area.inc.
getProtectedAttrs | ( | ) |
Get the names of attributes for this DA that cannot be set in the parse file
Design Area attributes that are not mentioned in the parse file are normally set to defaults when parsing the design. Attributes returned by this function are exempted from that process.
Definition at line 249 of file design_area.inc.
getVarReferences | ( | ) |
Returns an array of Array(id_name => Array(var)) for all var references that are needed by this design area
Definition at line 184 of file design_area.inc.
lockTypes | ( | ) |
Returns a list of lock types available for this asset type
Definition at line 103 of file design_area.inc.
printAreaCode | ( | ) |
Print the replacement for the AREA tag in the parse file
This will always print the init code for the DA; unless the Area tag has a negative print attribute the painting code is printed too.
Definition at line 552 of file design_area.inc.
printInitCode | ( | ) |
Print code that initialises this design area and should always be printed in place of the AREA tag
The protected version of this function, rather than this one, should be overridden by children
Definition at line 350 of file design_area.inc.
printPaintingCode | ( | ) |
Print code that actually results in HTML output to the browser for this design area
This function is called at the AREA tag if print != no, and at the point of any PRINT tags that reference this area. The protected version of this function, rather that this one, should overridden by children
Definition at line 401 of file design_area.inc.
printVar | ( | $var, | |
Array | $args | ||
) |
Outputs the var either as straight HTML or PHP code, depending on the type
string | $var | the name of the var to print out |
array | $args | array of any extra arguments that existed in the print command |
Definition at line 268 of file design_area.inc.
processBackend | ( | Backend_Outputter | $o, |
Array & | $link | ||
) |
Processes a backend submission from this asset, returns TRUE if all OK
object | &$o | Backend outputter |
array | &$link | Information used to create the initial link |
Definition at line 141 of file design_area.inc.
setVarReferenceValues | ( | Array | $var_ref_values | ) |
Sets the values for the var references values (registered in $this->var_references)
array | $var_ref_values | array of values - Array(id_name => Array(var => [value])) |
Definition at line 207 of file design_area.inc.