Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
__construct () | |
convertCreateTable (array $table) | |
handleFunctionTableExists ($tableName, $schema=NULL) | |
handleFunctionSequenceExists ($sequenceName) | |
convertDropTable ($tableName, $cascade=FALSE) | |
![]() | |
getDataType ($type) | |
getName () | |
getConstructName ($name) | |
convertToSql (array $sqlArray) | |
convertCreateTable (array $table) | |
convertDropTable ($tableName, $cascade=FALSE) | |
convertTruncateTable ($tableName) | |
convertDropSequence ($sequenceName) | |
convertResetSequence ($sequenceName) | |
handleFunctionTableExists ($tableName, $schema=NULL) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
convertSingleCreateColumn (array $col) | |
handleFunctionSeqNextVal ($seqName) | |
handleFunctionSeqCurrVal ($seqName) | |
handleFunctionToDate (array $args) | |
convertWithQuery (array $withQuery) | |
convertSelectQuery (array $sqlArray, $level=0, array $ignore=array()) | |
convertTableAlias ($alias) | |
convertUnionsInFromClause (array $union, $level=0) | |
convertLimit (array $limit) | |
convertSelectFieldList (array $fields, $level=1) | |
addSqlFilters (array $sqlArray) | |
handleFunctionSubstring (array $args) | |
![]() | |
convertSelectQuery (array $sqlArray, $level=0, array $ignore=array()) | |
addSqlFilters (array $sqlArray) | |
convertSelectFieldList (array $fields, $level=1) | |
convertSingleField ($field) | |
getSelectFieldName (array $field) | |
setSelectFieldAlias (array $field, $alias) | |
getSelectFieldNames (array $fields) | |
convertField (array $field) | |
convertSingleValue ($field) | |
convertSingleFunction (array $function) | |
convertFromList (array $from, $level=1) | |
convertTableAlias ($alias) | |
convertMathOperation (array $mathOp) | |
separateFields (array $fields) | |
separateTables (array $tables) | |
convertWhereClause (array $where, $level=0, $addBrackets=TRUE) | |
convertInCondition (array $in, $level=0, $type='IN') | |
convertExistsCondition (array $exists, $level=0, $type='EXISTS') | |
convertIsNull (array $isNull) | |
convertNotNull (array $notNull) | |
convertUnionsInFromClause (array $union, $level=0) | |
getUnionType (array $union) | |
convertUnions (array $union, $level=1) | |
convertUnionDisplayName ($type) | |
convertGroupBy (array $groupBy) | |
convertOrderBy (array $orderBy) | |
convertLimit (array $limit) | |
convertJoins (array $joins) | |
convertSingleJoin (array $join) | |
convertInsertQuery (array $sqlArray) | |
addSpaces ($level=0, $spaces=4) | |
convertInsertQueryFields (array $fields) | |
convertInsertQueryValues (array $insert) | |
convertUpdateQuery (array $sqlArray) | |
convertUpdateQuerySetValues (array $values) | |
convertDeleteQuery (array $sqlArray) | |
convertAlterQueryHeader ($tableName) | |
convertAlterQuery (array $sqlArray) | |
convertAlterQueryAddColumn (array $addColumn) | |
convertAlterQueryDropColumn ($column) | |
convertAlterQueryRenameColumn (array $renameColumn) | |
convertAlterQueryModifyColumn (array $modifyColumns) | |
convertAlterQueryAddConstraint (array $constraints, $tableName=NULL) | |
convertAlterQueryDropConstraint ($dropConstraint) | |
convertAlterQueryRenameTable (array $renameTable) | |
convertCreateHeader (array $table) | |
convertCreateFooter (array $table) | |
convertCreateColumns (array $table) | |
convertSingleCreateColumn (array $col) | |
convertConstraints (array $constraintsList, $asArray=FALSE) | |
convertSinglePrimaryKey (array $pk) | |
convertSingleForeignKey (array $fk) | |
convertSingleUnique (array $un) | |
convertCreateIndexes (array $table) | |
convertSingleIndex (array $idx, $tableName) | |
convertCreateSequences (array $sequences) | |
convertSingleSequence ($sequence) | |
convertWithQuery (array $withQuery) | |
convertCallQuery (array $callQuery) | |
handleFunctionConcat (array $args) | |
handleFunctionArray (array $args) | |
convertLikeCondition (array $condition) | |
handleFunctionCast (array $args) | |
handleFunctionBindcast (array $args) | |
handleFunctionLength (array $args) | |
handleFunctionCoalesce (array $args) | |
handleFunctionMax (array $args) | |
handleFunctionMin (array $args) | |
handleFunctionCount (array $args) | |
handleFunctionSubstring (array $args) | |
getComparisonOperators ($type=NULL) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$name = 'Oracle' | |
$dataTypes | |
![]() | |
$dataTypes | |
$sqlConstructs | |
$mathOps | |
$query = array() | |
$name = '' | |
Contains methods to perform any database specific conversions into SQL. The methods to convert XML structures into SQL are defined in the parent class "DALConverter", and if any conversions need to be altered for this database the corresponding methods of DALConverter should be redefined here.
Definition at line 25 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
__construct | ( | ) |
protected |
Returns string with the SQL filters included.
array | $sqlArray | The Query array. |
Definition at line 439 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
convertCreateTable | ( | array | $table | ) |
Converts create statement to SQL string.
Indexes are added after creating the table. Note: Create table may return more than one SQL statement, use split(':', $sql); to get each SQL statament.
array | $table | CREATE array. |
Definition at line 85 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
convertDropTable | ( | $tableName, | |
$cascade = FALSE |
) |
Converts DROP TABLE statement.
string | $tableName | Name of the table to drop from the db. |
boolean | $cascade | If TRUE, deletions will be cascaded to dependent objects. |
Definition at line 274 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts LIMIT.
array | $limit | Single LIMIT clause. |
Definition at line 373 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts Select's field list to its SQL format.
array | $fields | Array of fields. |
integer | $level | Number of levels to indent. |
Definition at line 392 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts Select query to its SQL string.
array | $sqlArray | The select query array. |
integer | $level | Number of levels to indent. |
array | $ignore | Tag names that will be ignored while converting the select statement. Example: where,join.. |
Definition at line 297 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts single create column to its SQL string.
Single create column consists of column's name, type (size and scale), null/not null, and its default value.
For Postgres SQL will look like: assetid VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL DEFAUL 1.
array | $col | Single column in create clause. |
Definition at line 119 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts given alias string to table alias.
string | $alias | Table alias. |
Definition at line 338 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Convert list of union that are in side a FROM clause.
array | $union | Array of selects in union/union-all. |
integer | $level | Number of levels to indent. |
Definition at line 354 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Converts a WITH query to CONNECT BY PRIOR/START WITH query.
array | $withQuery | Array containing the with query information. |
Definition at line 242 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Handles SeqCurrVal(seqName) function.
SeqCurrVal will return the current sequence value.
string | $seqName | Name of the sequence. |
Definition at line 165 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Handles SeqNextVal(seqName) function.
SewNextVal will increment sequence value and return the new sequence value.
string | $seqName | Name of the sequence. |
Definition at line 147 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
handleFunctionSequenceExists | ( | $sequenceName | ) |
Handles sequence exists.
(array|string) | $sequenceName Sequence name. |
Definition at line 202 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Handles the SUBSTRING() function.
Oracle doesn't provide the standard SUBSTRING function, It provides SUBSTR(input,start-pos[,length]) instead.
array | $args | Method arguments. |
Definition at line 491 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
handleFunctionTableExists | ( | $tableName, | |
$schema = NULL |
) |
Handles table exists.
(array|string) | $tableName Table name argument. | |
string | $schema | The schema to check the table for. |
Definition at line 182 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Handles a custom DAL ToDate() function call.
This function will convert an ISO8601 date into a format suitable for insertion into a query.
array | $args | The arguments of the function. |
Definition at line 225 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.
protected |
Definition at line 42 of file DALOracleConverter.inc.