93'description' => 'list of root nodes which should have their own columns in day view, and * if you want a column for events that don\'t belong in any other column',
94 );
95// The name of the 'other' column in day view
96 $this->vars['other_column_name'] = Array(
97'added' => '0.1',
98'type' => 'text',
99'default' => '',
100'is_contextable' => TRUE,
101 );
103// Earliest and latest times to display in week and day view, stored as strings
104// rather than datetimes because we want to have 24:00 as a valid option
105 $this->vars['day_starts_at'] = Array(
106'added' => '0.1',
107'type' => 'text',
108'default' => '08:00',
109 );
111 $this->vars['day_ends_at'] = Array(
112'added' => '0.1',
113'type' => 'text',
114'default' => '20:00',
115 );
117// Time-length of vertical partitions in the week and day views
118 $this->vars['day_partition_time'] = Array(
119'added' => '0.1',
120'type' => 'selection',
121'default' => '60m',
122'description' => 'The spacing of intervals in the calendar week and day views',
123'parameters' => Array(
124'options' => Array(
125'10m' => '10 mins',
126'15m' => '15 mins',
127'20m' => '20 mins',
128'30m' => '30 mins',
129'60m' => '1 hour',
130 ),
131'allow_empty' => FALSE,
132 ),
133 );
135// Physical height of the vertical partitions in the week and day views
136 $this->vars['day_partition_height'] = Array(
137'added' => '0.1',
138'type' => 'int',
139'default' => '20',
140'description' => 'The height of each day interval\'s row in the week and day tables, in pixels',
141 );
143// The width of columns in week view (pardon the bad name, a historical artefact)
144 $this->vars['table_column_width'] = Array(
145'added' => '0.1',
146'type' => 'int',
147'default' => '110',
148'description' => 'The width of each column in the WEEK table, in pixels',
149 );
151// The width of column in day view
152 $this->vars['day_column_width'] = Array(
153'added' => '0.1',
154'type' => 'int',
155'default' => '110',
156'description' => 'The width of each column in the DAY table, in pixels',
157 );
159// The day to show first in the week
160 $this->vars['week_starts_on'] = Array(
161'added' => '0.1',
162'type' => 'selection',
163'default' => '1',
164'description' => 'First day of the week',
165'parameters' => Array(
166'options' => Array(
167 0 => 'Sunday',
168 1 => 'Monday',
169 2 => 'Tuesday',
170 3 => 'Wednesday',
171 4 => 'Thursday',
172 5 => 'Friday',
173 6 => 'Saturday',
174 ),
175'allow_empty' => FALSE,
176 ),
177 );
179// Which weekdays to show in week view
180 $this->vars['week_view_show_days'] = Array(
181'added' => '0.1',
182'type' => 'serialise',
183'default' => Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
184 );
187// Date format for calendar view titles
188 $this->vars['view_title_formats'] = Array(
189'added' => '0.1',
190'type' => 'serialise',
191'default' => Array(
192'year' => 'Y',
193'month' => 'F Y',
194'week' => '\W\e\e\k \o\f l j F Y',
195'day' => 'jS F Y',
196'event' => 't',
197 ),
198 );
200// Date format for calendar heading titles
201 $this->vars['view_heading_formats'] = Array(
202'added' => '0.8',
203'type' => 'serialise',
204'default' => Array(
205'month_day' => 'l jS',
206'week_day' => 'l jS',
207 ),
208 );
210// width of table columns in month view
211 $this->vars['month_column_width'] = Array(
212'added' => '0.1',
213'type' => 'int',
214'default' => '90',
215'description' => 'The width of the columns in the month calendar table, in pixels',
216 );
218// default height of table rows in month view
219 $this->vars['month_row_height'] = Array(
220'added' => '0.1',
221'type' => 'int',
222'default' => '70',
223'description' => 'The height of the rows in the month calendar table, in pixels',
224 );
226// Whether to show links to week view at the side of the month view table
227 $this->vars['month_links_to_week'] = Array(
228'added' => '0.1',
229'type' => 'boolean',
230'default' => 'true',
231'parameters' => Array('allow_empty' => FALSE),
232 );
234// Text for the link that takes you to the broader view
235 $this->vars['up_link_text'] = Array(
236'added' => '0.1',
237'type' => 'text',
238'default' => '%v% view',
239'is_contextable' => TRUE,
240 );
242// Text for the link that takes you to the next year/month/week/day
243 $this->vars['next_link_text'] = Array(
244'added' => '0.1',
245'type' => 'text',
246'default' => 'Next %v% >>',
247'is_contextable' => TRUE,
248 );
250// Text for the link that takes you to the previous year/month/week/day
251 $this->vars['prev_link_text'] = Array(
252'added' => '0.1',
253'type' => 'text',
254'default' => '<< Previous %v%',
255'is_contextable' => TRUE,
256 );
258// Text for the link that takes you to the today's date
259 $this->vars['today_link_text'] = Array(
260'added' => '0.1',
261'type' => 'text',
262'default' => 'Show Today',
263'is_contextable' => TRUE,
264 );
266// for the body copy no results use. If true we use the body copy no results.