Squiz Matrix  4.12.2
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1 <?php
18 require_once SQ_INCLUDE_PATH.'/asset_management.inc';
31 {
39  {
40  Asset_Management::__construct($pm);
42  $this->vars = Array(
43  'alignment' => Array(
44  'added' => '0.0.1',
45  'type' => 'text',
46  'type' => 'selection',
47  'default' => 'left',
48  'parameters' => Array(
49  'options' => Array(
50  'left' => 'Left',
51  'right' => 'Right',
52  ),
53  'multiple' => FALSE,
54  'allow_empty' => FALSE,
55  ),
56  'description' => '',
57  ),
58  'ellipsis_length' => Array(
59  'added' => '0.0.1',
60  'type' => 'int',
61  'default' => 0,
62  'description' => 'The length of a asset name before ellipsis are printed - blank or zero means full name always printed',
63  ),
64  'word_wrap' => Array(
65  'added' => '0.0.1',
66  'type' => 'boolean',
67  'default' => 1,
68  'description' => 'Whether to allow the wrapping of the text in the entry or not',
69  'parameters' => Array(
70  'allow_empty' => FALSE,
71  ),
72  ),
73  'indent' => Array(
74  'added' => '0.0.1',
75  'type' => 'int',
76  'default' => 9,
77  'description' => 'How many pixels to indent the menu before printing out a level - blank or zero removes indenting',
78  ),
79  'min_height' => Array(
80  'added' => '0.0.1',
81  'type' => 'int',
82  'default' => 9,
83  'description' => 'The minimum height for in each entry row. Controls the size of the stalk images and is used for centreing the stalks vertically with the contents of the &lt;MySource_ASSET&gt; tag',
84  ),
85  'show_stalks' => Array(
86  'added' => '0.0.1',
87  'type' => 'boolean',
88  'default' => 1,
89  'description' => 'Show or hide the stalks - text still indents even if not shown',
90  'parameters' => Array(
91  'allow_empty' => FALSE,
92  ),
93  ),
94  'stalk_fg_colour' => Array(
95  'added' => '0.0.1',
96  'type' => 'colour',
97  'default' => '#000000',
98  'description' => 'The Foreground Colour for the stalks',
99  ),
100  'stalk_bg_colour' => Array(
101  'added' => '0.0.1',
102  'type' => 'colour',
103  'default' => '',
104  'parameters' => Array('allow_blanks' => TRUE),
105  'description' => 'The Background Colour for the stalks, if not set a transperant background will be used',
106  ),
107  );
109  }//end constructor
112 }//end class
113 ?>