
Squiz Matrix Asset Map for iOS

Sun, May. 22, 2011

The java asset map for Squiz Matrix is ok for when you are using a desktop browser, but when you are on your iPhone or iPad there is no way to browse the asset map or use the admin interface because Mobile Safari does not support java.

I wanted a way to be able to administer my site while being on my iPhone but this didn't seem like it was possible without a custom iOS app, so I started work on the most important aspect of the Squiz Matrix admin interface, the asset map.

Part 1 - Asset Map Browsing

The first demo shows how you can easily browse the asset map from your install of Squiz Matrix, all from your iOS device.

Part 2 - Asset Interaction

This second demo shows how you can interact with assets in the asset map, such as previewing of file assets, sorting assets (still a little buggy) in the asset map, and deleting assets.

Current Features

Currently the app has the following features:

  • Settings - Matrix site URL, SOAP URL and user login
  • Asset Map Browsing
  • Asset type icon images
  • Asset sorting
  • Delete asset
  • Preview file assets

Development Roadmap

There are various features that I am planning for the future, but suggestions are always appreciated. Here is the current development roadmap:

  • Add Recache option to asset options (currently invoked by a long hold on the assets tableViewCell)
  • Editing of Asset Attributes
  • Editing of metadata
  • Rich Text editing
  • Create new Assets
  • Image Asset can add images from camera roll or snap a photo and upload
  • Asset status indication


The great thing about this is that there needs to be no custom development to your Matrix install, so the iOS app will work right out of the box. All you have to do is configure the SOAP server asset.

I am considering two options, either releasing the code on github as GPL or as an iOS app on the app store. There are pros and cons of each so I would appreciate your thoughts about each option.

Nicholas Hubbard


Edison Wang
May 23, 2011
I like this app. I think the next step, is finding how this app can be used
Nicholas Hubbard
May 23, 2011
Yeah, right now it really is just a proof of concept, but I really do think that it could be useful for smaller administrative tasks, kind of like an Easy Edit for iOS.
May 23, 2011
Cool experiment Nic - I guess its using the JSAPI? Maybe having an expanded 2-pane version that works on larger devices ((aka tablets) would be useful for even bigger tasks... BTW I'm working on a server-side integration tool at the moment using your JSAPI with Node.js, the API is so easy to work with, thanks again for building it!
Nicholas Hubbard
May 24, 2011
No, this isn't using the JS API. It is using Objective C and the Matrix SOAP server along with native asset map calls. Definitely if I get around to building it for iPad I will make sure to have an expanded side by side view.
Anthony Barnes
May 23, 2011
Could be useful for adding things like news, events etc on the fly. I could see some potential integrating with social media as well, updating in Matrix and have it propagated to twitter etc. Nice work so far Nic!
Nicholas Hubbard
May 24, 2011
Yeah, I really had the idea of being able to update my blog from the app as well as approve comments, so this is really the idea that the project started from.
Dec 12, 2011
This for the iPad would be a great benfit to my Organisation. Whens release date?
Nicholas Hubbard
Dec 12, 2011
The app is still being developed and I am need of beta testers. Are you interested?

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